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3 FOOT WallPix - $75.00
5 FOOT - Wallpix - $99.99
GRANDPARENTS Pack - $52.00
Parent's Package(Save $12.00_ - $34.00
Photo Basketball w/Stand & $ Wallet - $32.00
Puzzle, Individual - $17.00
Photo Softball w/Stand & 4 Wallets - $38.00
Photo Baseball w/case & 4 Wallets - $29.50
(4) Photo Coaster - $20.00
Travel Mug (Raster) - $20.00
Photo Mug. Individual - $20.00
Photo DogTag - $10.00
Bag Tag, Individual - $9.00
Keychain - $7.50
8 Wallets - $19.95
8 Mini-Wallets - $8.00
(2)3.5 x 5 Photo Magnet - $11.00
(2) 3.5X5 & 1 5X7 - $19.95
(4) 4x6 Print Same Image - $19.95
(1) 5x7 Single - $12.95
(2) 5x7s (Same Image) - $19.95
(1) 8x10 Ind or Group - $19.95
(1) 10x13 (Matte) - $25.00
11x14 Print (Matte) - $35.00
16x20 Print (inkjet) - $45.00
18x24 Print (inkjet) - $57.00
24x30 Print (Inkjet) - $79.00
Round Ball Plaques (Indicted which Sport) - $25.00
(2) 3" Photo Button - $10.00
ErgoMouse, Ind or Group - $22.00
Mousepad, Individual - $18.00
Photo Sport Bottle - $20.00
Large Basketball, Group or Individual - $52.00
6x8 Ind Elite Plaque - $18.00
Vertical Calendar, Ind or Group - $15.00
Photo Hockey Puck w/case - $23.95
Photo Football w/Stand - $35.00
Statuette 8x10 (Glossy) - $32.00
NotePad Holder ***NICE DAD GIFT - $15.50
Clipboard Individual - $27.00
T-Shirt (ADD SIZE TO COMMENTS) - $22.00
Hooded Sweatshirt (ADD SIZE TO COMMENTS) - $35.00
Call Studio to Purchase 1(855)TSS-BEST - $0.00
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Hatboro Horsham Cheer Competition
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Archbishop Ryan HS Varsity
Archbishop Wood HS Varsity
BCA Rec Jr
BCA Rec Midgets
BCA Rec PeeWee
Bensalem HS Stunt Group
Bensalem HS Varsity
Emmaus HS Varsity
Emmaus Middle School Varsity
Hatboro Horsham JV Exhibition
Hatboro Horsham Varsity Exhibition
Holmesburg Rec Jr
Holmesburg Rec PeeWee
Holmesburg Rec Senior
Southampton Knights Rec Jr
St. Albert the Great
St. Hubert's HS
Team & Individuals
Torresdale Stars Rec Jr
Torresdale Stars Rec Jr Dance
Torresdale Stars Rec Mini
Torresdale Stars Rec Mini Dance
Torresdale Stars Rec PeeWee
Torresdale Stars Rec PeeWee Dance
Torresdale Stars Rec Senior Dance
Torresdale Stars Rec Sr
Warminster Pioneers Rec Senior
Warren Hills HS Stunt Group
Warren Hills HS Varsity
Willow Grove Bears Rec Jr
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